Lauree Coci

Elected to the Bar: 2019

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation


Date of admission: 2010 (WA), 2011 (HCA)
Qualifications: LLB (Hons) UWA, BEcon (UWA), LLM (University of Melbourne)

Lauree Coci practices in all areas of commercial law, civil and human rights and personal injuries litigation. Lauree specialises in representing victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse. She is regularly briefed as junior counsel in proceedings involving large commercial disputes and in class actions.

Since coming to the Bar, Lauree has engaged in a broad range of counsel work, appearing in the High Court, Federal Court, Court of Appeal, Supreme, District and Magistrates Courts of Western Australia, the Administrative Review Tribunal and the State Administrative Tribunal. She has also appeared in Royal Commissions, coronial inquests, inquiries and before disciplinary tribunals.

Prior to joining the Bar, Lauree was a Senior Associate in the disputes team of Clayton Utz in Perth and a solicitor at the State Solicitor’s Office.

Lauree has a Master of Laws from Melbourne University, a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Western Australia.

Practice areas

a.  Level 18, 37 St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6000
t.   08 6288 2400