Heather Millar
Elected to the Bar: 2016
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Date of admission: 2008
Qualifications: LLB (Hons), BA (Hons)

Heather Millar’s commercial law practice has a focus on employment law, contractual disputes, industrial relations, and health and safety. Her practice also covers commercial disputes, discrimination, underpayment of wages and professional negligence claims and appearances before disciplinary tribunals.
Since coming to the Bar, Heather has appeared regularly led and unled in hearings and appeals in the Federal Court and the Full Federal Court, as well as the Federal and State employment jurisdictions. Her work has included industrial, contractual, administrative, and judicial review matters. In addition, she practices in the Magistrates, Industrial Magistrates, District and Supreme Court on contractual and commercial disputes and restraint of trade claims.
Prior to joining the Bar, Heather worked in Herbert Smith Freehills’ employment team with clients in the resources, finance, local government and utility sectors. She has advised on collective bargaining, industrial litigation, professional disciplinary proceedings, contractual and employment disputes and occupational health and safety matters. She spent five years working at Lewis Silkin LLP – a leading employment law firm in the UK – on high value employment litigation including discrimination and breach of contract claims, class actions and restraints of trade.
Doyles Guide 2022 (WA) – Preeminent Employment and Workplace Health and Safety Junior Counsel
Doyles Guide 2022 (Australia Wide) – Recommended Employment Law Junior Counsel
Practice areas
- Commercial
- Corporations Law
- Commissions, Inquests & Inquiries
- Disciplinary Proceedings
- Employment & Industrial
- Health & Safety
- Human Rights
- Regulatory Law & Investigations