Julie Taylor SC

Elected to the Bar: 2007

Appointed Senior Counsel: 2019

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation


Date of admission: 2005
Qualifications: MPhil (Law) (Oxon), BCL (Oxon), LLB (Hons) (UWA), BA (Asian Studies) (UWA)

Julie Taylor accepts briefs in all areas of commercial law. She has appeared in proceedings involving the liquidation or receivership of large corporate groups, in proceedings involving commercial disputes, and in class actions. She has also advised on and appeared in arbitrations for international corporations.

Julie joined the New South Wales Bar in 2007, where she practised at Eight Selborne Chambers. She moved to Perth in 2016.

Prior to joining the Bar, Julie undertook her undergraduate legal training in Perth, completing a Law/Arts degree at the University of Western Australia in 2002. She has also completed a BCL and MPhil(Law) at the University of Oxford.

A full CV is available on request.

Practice areas

a.  Level 18, 37 St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6000
t.   08 6288 2400
e.  reception@shorelinechambers.com.au