Simon Taylor
Elected to the Bar: 2021
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Date of admission: 2011
Qualifications: MD (UWA), LLM (Syd), LLM (Oslo), LLB, BEcon (UWA)

Simon has a broad range of experience in a variety of practice areas, with a particular emphasis on commercial disputes, equity, corporations law, insurance, negligence and personal injury. Simon has appeared in most courts and tribunals in Western Australia, including the Supreme and District Courts, the Court of Appeal, Federal Court, Coroner’s Court and the State Administrative Tribunal.
Simon has a Doctor of Medicine from UWA, a Master of Laws from the University of Sydney, a Master of Laws from the University of Oslo, and a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Economics from UWA.
A full CV is available on request.
Practice areas
- Appellate
- Arbitration (domestic and international)
- Bankruptcy & Insolvency
- Class Actions
- Commercial
- Competition & Consumer Law
- Corporations Law
- Commissions, Inquests & Inquiries
- Construction
- Disciplinary Proceedings
- Insurance
- Negligence
- Professional Negligence
- Property & Equity
- Regulatory Law & Investigations